how to use food spikes

Plant Moderator
5 min reading

You adopted some new plants and are ready to introduce them to the rest of your collection, but now your leafy friend is looking a bit lack lustre. There could be a very easy fix… just feed your plant! It’s easy to get your plant pal to perk up when they’re adjusting.

feed me!

We’re talking food spikes! These little fertilizer spikes are a great addition to your indoor plant care. Using them is as easy as 1-2-3!

step 2.


Measure your pot and make some holes! The packaging of Miracle-Gro Plant Food Spikes doubles as a ruler. Measure your plant’s pot to see how many food spikes you need. Then make a little hole between the plant stem and the pot.


Set it and forget it! Place the food spike in the little hole and cover it with some soil. Keep watering as you usually would.


Seasons matter! You don’t have to worry about your food spike for a couple of weeks. In the spring and summer months, you should replace the spikes about every 30 days. During the fall and winter, replace them every 60 days.

And just like that, your plants are set up to thrive! Share your flourishing home gardens and help other home gardeners build up a beautiful plant collection.

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