If space is a consideration, prune down your indoor herb choices with ones you use frequently. Consult your favourite recipes, take inventory of how much room you have, and observe the flavour profiles you like the most.
how to make a custom indoor herb garden
As any chef or amateur cook knows, fresh herbs make a dish come alive. Some like natural herbs for homeopathic and aromatherapy purposes. Whatever your use for them, you can always have fresh herbs handy.
let them hang
On the subject of space, an excellent solution is hanging small herb planters by a window or adjacent wall.
terrariums are terrific
From cooking splatters to being playful cats, fresh herbs can be prone to damage. Not only are terrariums pretty and on-trend, but they also do a great job at protecting dainty herbs.
Also known as aero gardening, hydroponic gardening is a tried-and-true method to grow fresh food indoors. Hydroponics will do everything for you except the fun parts – trimming and eating, which you get to do.
Living things need companionship, and like people, plants are the same! Some herbs thrive better when planted next to certain ones. We have some examples below but a little research will uncover many more pairings. For example, basil and parsley require more water than rosemary and sage. Plant mint by itself as it tends to grow fast and furiously.