contain yourself

Plant Moderator
2 min read

The most flexible way to grow lots of plants and vegetables is in containers. Whether it’s baskets, buckets, boxes, and barrels … your options are endless. 

Container gardening is extremely versatile, you can grow anything and everything. Vegetables, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees, you don’t have to pick one you can or all of them together. A filled planter can be heavy to move, so decide where your container garden will go and set up there.

Once you’ve found your spot, here are some herb and vegetable container gardens that are easy to grow – and tasty, too. 

1. Salad Garden: Lettuces, cherry tomatoes, herbs

2. Pizza Garden: Basil, oregano, tomatoes, peppers

3. Perennial Herbs: Mint, lemon balm & oregano

coolest container combos

In gardening there is a saying, it’s thriller, filler, and spiller. The “It” is the wow factor and getting it in your container garden is as easy as 1-2-3. 



Tall, bold, beautiful, show-stoppers 

These are the focal point of a stunning garden 



Colourful, mid-sized, rounded 

These complements the star of the show 



Trailing, cascading, overhanging 

These soften and complete the look of your glorious garden 

nurturing your container garden 

All container gardens need a little TLC. Container plants need airy soil that lets them spread their roots, plain soil is too dense. That means using something that promotes good drainage and proper airflow like Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix

Your first step before planting, is to wet your potting mix well. Water the mix well and stir, making sure it’s moist all the way through. Next add your plant and top with more mix, leaving a little room at the top for watering. 

up next… give those roots a trim

Next trim any circling roots, then plant to about the same depth as the grow pot. Water often, making sure the mix doesn’t dry out. 

start your plant babies off on the right foot.

An important ingredient to a thriving garden that is often overlooked is plant food. Plants pull nutrients from the soil to grow and those nutrients need to be replenished. Using a slow release fertilizer on its own is a great, low fuss option. It provides a small amount of food for an extended period – up to 3 months. Water soluble plant food is a great option too, but are more high maintenance. They provide a lot of nutrients instantly, and deliver results for your garden when used every 7-14 days. 

pro tip

For those who want results but find it hard to stick to a schedule, use a bit of both. Put down Miracle-Gro® Shake ‘n Feed® at the beginning of the season and after the first month, and boost your garden with Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble Plant Food when you remember throughout the season. 

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