deadheading flowers 101 

Plant Moderator

we all want a stunning garden, right? one awesome way to achieve this is by deadheading your flowers. 

If you’re not familiar with it, deadheading means snipping off the dead or faded blooms from your plants. It not only spruces up your garden, but also helps keep your plant babies healthy and blooming for longer. So, let’s dive into everything you need to know about deadheading flowers, including why, when, and how to do it!   

benefits of deadheading flowers

Deadhead your flowers once their blooms start to look worn out and droopy. Snipping off the dead flower heads stops the plant from wasting energy on seed development and redirects it towards producing fresh new blooms. It’s best to deadhead frequently throughout the growing season for happy, healthy flowers. Keep in mind, some flowers prefer to hold onto a few seeds, so don’t remove every deadhead completely.

The timing of deadheading can vary depending on the type of plant species. With some plants, like petunias and geraniums, you might need to deadhead every few days to maintain a continuous bloom cycle. Be sure to research your flower type to know the perfect timing to deadhead.

when should you NOT deadhead flowers?   

At the start of the season, hold off on deadheading until the plant has produced a few seeds. This is most vital for plants that require their seed pods to produce new flowers in the following season, like lilies. Additionally, some plants, such as cosmos and zinnias, have a beautiful seed head that can add interest to your garden even after the blooms have faded.   

Certain flowers produce deadheads that contain seeds birds love to munch on. Flowers like aster, bee balm, black-eyed susans, coneflowers, false sunflowers, gayfeather, globe thistle, ligularia, pennisetum, sedum, and sunflowers are some examples. For these flowers, resist the urge to deadhead. Leave the deadheads as nature’s snack bar for our bird friends!  

comment étêter les fleurs 

Supprimer les têtes de fleurs mortes est un jeu d’enfant! C’est comme si vous donniez une petite coupe de cheveux à vos plantes, mais avec beaucoup moins de tracas. Voici comment procéder : 

  1. Repérez la fleur morte ou fanée et faites vos adieux.
  2. Repérez l’endroit où vous devez couper : au-dessus de la première série de belles feuilles ou de bourgeons et en dessous de la fleur morte.
  3. Sortez votre beau sécateur ou vos ciseaux et commencez à couper! Attention aux bourgeons frais. 
  4. Après avoir coupé les têtes mortes, donnez à vos plantes un peu de soin avec de l’eau et de la nourriture, pour aider vos fleurs à reprendre de la vigueur et à être encore plus belles. Pensez à utiliser un engrais comme l’Engrais pour Plantes Ultra Bloom Miracle-Gro® Shake ‘N Feed.
  5. Enfin, rangez et désinfectez vos outils de taille avec de l’alcool à friction. Et voilà, c’est fait : votre jardin ressemblera à un paradis fleuri en un rien de temps!

So why not try deadheading your flowers? It’s not rocket science, and there are a variety of techniques you can try until you find what works for you. You might even find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to connect with your garden. Give it a go and get ready to show off your beautiful garden full of healthy plants and stunning blooms!  


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